Thursday, August 20, 2009


INTRODUCTION TO MIDBRAIN ACTIVATIONBy Hon Kwee Chian What we see today is a major breakthrough in brain research. Most of us know that 95% of the human brain is not used. According to scientists, Einstein used about 10% of his brain and he was a genius. All of us can become a genius if we know how to stimulate our brain. Since 2005, GMC has invented a scientific approach to midbrain activation. After the activation, a person can see blindfolded by using the brainwaves emitted from the part of the brain known medically as mesencephalon. It is the bridge between the left and right brain. It is in the sleeping mode due to stress and sadness. After activation, the brain power is restored and many hidden potentials will be unleashed, if constantly practiced, is the pathway to be a genius. Some of the benefits are as follow:-Improves memory [LEARN MORE IN SHORTER TIME]Improves concentration. [MORE RECEPTIVE]Improves creativity. [MORE INNOVATIVE]Improves sports. [MORE TALENTED]Balance hormone [MORE HEALTHY].Balance use of right and left brain. [BALANCE CHARACTER]Mental problems will be reduced to the minimal after the midbrain activation. The hyperactive will be able to sit still, those who are still can become more active. Instead of being right brain dominant or left brain dominant, a person becomes midbrain dominant. He/she is no longer controlled by the left or right brain anymore. The midbrain becomes the captain of the left and right brain. Only those who are midbrain dominant can control the left and right brain. Many parents are frustrated when they are not able to make their children to sit still. Adults are frustrated why we are not able to be active like the children! We know now that the root problem is in the way our brain functions. If a person is right brain dominant, he is not able to sit down for long and vice versa. We have no control over our left or right brain unless we are midbrain dominant.Our society is dominated by the left brain - calculative, jealous and full of hatred. Such character dominates because the right brain – loving, intuitive, innovative is oppressed. Our desire to see a society that is intelligent and loving is possible when the midbrain dominates. We expect to see changes when the brain functions properly.Lets us not be blinded by the fees and efforts we have to put in to train our children. Let us look at the long term benefits that are beyond imagination. This is definitely a course that your child cannot afford to miss! We conduct the course in different languages.Blindfold is not our goal but it is one of the many indications that the midbrain has been activated. Darkness helps a person to concentrate and scientists will tell you that our brain functions differently when in the dark. There is no side effect because GMC does not use pills. Our method is not based on any religion. It is natural and scientific and medically explainable. Thousands of students have gone through the midbrain activation course. In Russia, it takes one year training to be able to see blindfolded. In Japan, at least three months but in Malaysia, it takes about two days only. So far, GMC method has the highest rate of success and we are spreading into the international market!We are not the third eye mentioned elsewhere. After the midbrain activation, a person can "see" by touch. This is known as SKIN VISION. Some people can "see" by using the ears! There are yet others that can "see" by smelling. It is impossible for us to known the details in a card by smelling or hearing while blindfolded and eyes closed. Many midbrain activated people can "see" in the dark. They can write, read and do coloring in total darkness.Now everyone can live a NORMAL LIFE after the midbrain activation. Our human brain is actually very powerful. What we see is just the tip of an iceberg...we have yet to see more hidden potentials in years to come!



What is “Blindfold Reading Method”?“Middle Brain” pathway to success! “Middle Brain oriented A Great Recipe for Success in business!” Quoted by many scientist and professors around the world.“Blind-Fold Reading Method” is a method which design by Genius Mind to recall and optimize the function of our middle brain and other born talent as well.Blindfold Reading Method Benchmark TestAfter each two-days class, the children will be tested by blind folding them to “SEE” and “READ” without the physical eye. Once “Middle Brain” activated a phenomenon will be arises thus children can “READ” and “SEE” by blind folding them.
The Benefits
What does it mean to be left brain dominant or right brain dominant? Scientists have explored theories about the two hemispheres of the brain and the ways that they differ in function and control of the body. According to recent research, people who are right brain dominant and those who are left brain dominant process information and respond in different ways. Most theories suggest that right-brain dominant people are guided by the more emotional, intuitive right hemisphere while left-brain people respond in sequential, logical ways, guided by the left hemisphere. To a great degree, your personality is shaped by your brain type. Your dominant brain type has a very significant affect on your study skills, homework habits, and grades. For instance, some students may struggle with specific assignment types or test questions, based on their specific brain types. By understanding your dominant brain type, you may be able to adjust your study methods, and perhaps shape your schedule and coursework, to suit your own personality type.
What's Your Brain Game?
Do you watch the clock constantly, or does the bell surprise you at the end of class? Have you ever been accused of being too analytical or do people say you're dreamy? These characteristics can be attributed to brain types. Typically, dominant left brain students will be more organized, they'll watch the clock, and they'll analyze information and process it sequentially. They are often cautious, and they follow rules and schedules. Left brain students are strong in math and science, and can answer questions quickly. Left brain students would make great Jeopardy contestants. On the other hand, right-brain students are the dreamers. They can be very intelligent and very deep thinkers—so much so that they can get lost in their own little worlds. They make great students of the social sciences and the arts. They are more spontaneous than the cautious left-brainers, and they are likely to follow their own gut feelings. Right brainers are very intuitive and have great skill when it comes to seeing through lies or tricks. They would make great Survivor contestants. What about people who are right in the middle? Everyone is different, and everyone has characteristics from both types. Some people are very equal when it comes to characteristics. Those students are middle brain oriented, and they might do well on The Apprentice. Why? Students who are middle brain oriented can have strong qualities from either hemisphere. Those students can benefit from logic from the left and intuition from the right. That sounds like a great recipe for success in business, doesn't it?

For Genius Mind, our point of view was that the middle brain act as a control panel for left and right brain, thus by activate and recall the born talent of it , our child can have an optimum way of learning platform.


Children are mostly very active, running around, unable to sit still, responsive, and emotional because they are right brain dominant. As they go to school, the education system trains the left brain. As a result, children becomes more and more left brain orientated and finally become left brain dominant.右脑主导的小孩子非常好动及情绪化。现今的学校教育偏向左脑,久而久之,小孩子变成左脑主导,造成今日不平衡的社会。

Our aim is to be midbrain dominant. This will stop the oppressive nature of the left brain towards the right brain, making it possible to have a balance development of both brains.我们的目标是进入间脑主导的状态,解决左脑压制右脑的问题,帮助左右脑平衡的发展。

A midbrain dominant person is loving (right brain) and intelligent (left brain). Our desire to see a balance between the left (IQ) and right (EQ) brain can be achieved when the midbrain is activated.间脑主导的人有爱心(右脑)及聪明(左脑)。间脑启发后,我们大家所渴望的左右脑平衡就因此达到了。

Our present society is full of problem because it is dominated by left brain dominant people. In future we will have more and more people who are midbrain dominant. We will see a new generation, creating a new kind of society in times to come.现今社会的问题是因为左脑主导的人太多所造成的。随着间脑主导的人数增加,我们会进入一个新的时代。

The red spot in the middle is the midbrain. It is in the sleeping mode before the midbrain activation. Sadness and stress is the key factors to put the midbrain to sleep.红点所指的地方就是间脑。它处在睡眠的状态,主要原因是因为伤心和压力所造成的。记得,开心就开脑,伤心就伤脑!

The midbrain is developed before the left and right brain. It is strongly believed that the foetus can "see" the outside world before birth.

Brainwaves are emitted from the midbrain after activation. To test whether the midbrain is active, blindfold them and they can "see" with the brainwaves. Some are not able to "see" because the brainwaves are not strong enough. However, they can distinguish colors and words by touching. After practicing, they will be able to "see" using the brainwaves.

When the midbrain is activated, children can read, write, draw blindfolded. The brain is capable to "see" whatever the eyes can see. The brainwaves are not like x-rays that can penetrate through the clothes or walls.

Activating the Child’s Hidden Potential 启发孩子隐藏的潜能
Training a child’s brain to learn new things, whether academically, in sports or other extracurricular activities sounds simple enough. And it can be that simple with the revolutionary new technique of Midbrain Activation, which is quickly gaining popularity throughout East and South East Asia.
The science behind this concept of Midbrain Activation is the technique of optimizing the function of our middle brain, which is the ‘bridge’ between the left and right brain. Having this ‘bridge’ activated allows for the retrieval of information between the left and the right brain, which leads to more efficiency in learning and absorbing information. It also brings out and strengthens characteristics such as creativity, memory, application skills, self-confidence, and the ability to concentrate.

Many of us have heard that we are either left-brained or right-brained and have capabilities and qualities that define how we learn and gain knowledge. Midbrain Activation allows the brain to function as a whole, rather than only utilizing one part of the brain. Most theories suggest that right-brain dominant individuals are guided by the more emotional, intuitive right hemisphere while those who are left-brain dominant respond in sequential, logical ways, guided by the left hemisphere of the brain. Therefore, individuals who are middle brain oriented can have strong qualities from both hemispheres. They can benefit from logic from the left and intuition from the right. This is the basic principle behind Midbrain Activation.

Midbrain Activation allows the middle brain act as a control panel for left and right hemispheres. This activates both parts of the brain and enhances the capacity and ability to learn.
The ideal candidates for Midbrain Activation are children between the ages of 6 and 12 years. The technique is more successful in young children because their brains are more easily trained and can adapt to new ways of learning. It is the same theory on why children are able to pick up and learn different languages more easily than adults.

Children who undergo this training will not only have the ability to absorb information and excel academically, but also be able to learn more easily and perform in sports and arts programs. It’s all about teaching the brain to act as a whole and utilize the power of both hemispheres. Students are already excelling in different fields just by utilizing one side of the brain more dominantly than the other. Imagine the limitless possibilities of their abilities when they are able to engage both parts of the brain. It can certainly lead to higher performance in school and exams, greater performance on the sports field, and serve as a path to a better future. The child will have more opportunities available to them and be able to achieve bigger and greater goals later in life, as well.

Mental Focus is Key in Sports Excellence 卓越的运动表现乃出于高度的集中力。
We have all heard the expressions, ‘mind over matter’ and ‘it’s all in the mind’ when it comes to achieving success in any area of our lives. But this applies more specifically to sports when one thinks that his or her physical abilities can keep them from achieving success on the basketball court, the rugby field or the cricket pitch. If the brain is trained to absorb more information and learn more easily, then the body will follow suit and become capable of being stronger and faster, as well as being able to pick up the details of techniques required to excel in the respective sport.Research has shown that we normally use less than one per cent of our mind's vast abilities, and it is said that Albert Einstein used only 10 per cent of his brain capacity! However, through the use of various mental training techniques, we can tap into this enormous ‘sleeping giant’ residing inside all of us. Experts say that transformation must always occur on the inner level before any results will ever appear on the outer level; and this is essential to ensure that the benefits remain permanent.
This is where the revolutionary technique of Midbrain Activation comes in. While it is a new concept in most parts of the world, the training program is quickly gaining popularity in schools and educational centers.
The science behind this concept of Midbrain Activation is the technique of optimizing the function of our middle brain, which is the ‘bridge’ between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Having this ‘bridge’ activated allows for the retrieval of information between the left and the right brain, which leads to more efficiency in learning and absorbing information. It also brings out and strengthens characteristics such as creativity, memory, application skills, self-confidence, and the ability to concentrate. These characteristics are especially important in the field of sports and other recreational activities.
Many of us have heard that we are either left-brained or right-brained and have capabilities and qualities that define how we learn and gain knowledge. Therefore, Midbrain Activation allows the brain to function as a whole, rather than only utilizing one part of the brain. The ideal candidates for this training program are children between the ages of 6 and 12 years. The technique is more successful in young children because their brains are more easily trained and can adapt to new ways of learning. So, as young children show an interest in certain sports, they can receive the training to excel and perform at a higher level. This training will not only help in sports, but will also give the child an advantage in their academic abilities and allow them to perform better in school and attain better results in exams. By gaining this training at an early age, the child will benefit later in life, as well. Their brain will already be trained to absorb more knowledge and skills, so they can continue to learn more and perform at a higher level in their careers and professions, whether in sports, arts or academics.

Midbrain Activation training holds lifelong benefits. The child will continue to process knowledge and skills by using their entire brain, leading to more success during their present circumstances and well into their futures, as well. It will basically become a way of life; one which will aid their development and give them the edge to stay above the competition in this ever-changing and uncertain world.
"I am always interested in sports but never chosen to compete. But after my midbrain is activated, I can run faster and jump higher. I won three prizes, the first time in my life to achieve this."

Increased Performance in Sports 加强运动潜能

The new concept of Midbrain Activation, which is quickly becoming popular, utilizes the technique of activating a person’s ‘middle brain’ in order to combine the use of both the right and left hemispheres of the brain. And by doing so, the person’s motor skills, awareness, ability to anticipate and react are enhanced. Therefore, with the increase in these factors, a person has the ability to increase their performance in sports, as well.
Research has shown that play, both structured and unstructured, is one of the primary ways that young children explore the world, develop their physical, cognitive and social-emotional capacities, and make the most of developmental opportunities. Findings have also proven that there is interdependence among movement, learning and brain development. This is where Midbrain Activation comes in. With the training, the middle part of the brain acts as a ‘bridge’ to allow both the right and left hemispheres to work together, thus increasing the learning capacity of the brain, allowing the student to absorb more information and learn new skills more easily. When the middle brain is activated, the student is able to utilize the qualities from both the right and left hemispheres.

This training applies more specifically to sports when one thinks that his or her physical abilities can keep them from achieving success in athletics and in team sports. It is even more crucial for individual sports where a level of concentration and anticipation is needed, in such sports as golf, tennis and martial arts. If the brain is trained to absorb more information and learn more easily, then the body will follow suit and become capable of being stronger and faster, as well as being able to pick up the details of techniques required to excel in the respective sport.
The ideal candidates for Midbrain Activation are children between the ages of 6 and 12 years. The training is more successful in young children because their brains are more easily trained and can adapt to new ways of learning. By gaining this training at an early age, the child will benefit later in life, as well. Their brain will already be trained to absorb more knowledge and skills, so they can continue to learn more and perform at a higher level in their careers and professions, whether in sports, arts or academics.

Midbrain Activation holds lifelong benefits. The child will continue to process knowledge and skills throughout their lives, leading to more success not only during their present circumstances, but well into their futures, as well. The middle brain only needs to be activated once; as the child grows, the training will aid their development and they will continue to perform at a higher level in all aspects of their lives. As a specialist in a certain sport, the child can excel and reach heights in their performance that would not otherwise have been possible.

The Whole Brain Is Better Than Half 全脑比一半好

Whoever said that ‘less is more’ certainly wasn’t referring to the percentage of our brains that we use on a regular basis. Human beings rely heavily either on their right-brain or left-brain, and use only one percent of the brain to live, work and carry out daily routines. In comparison, Albert Einstein used 10% of his brain and that led to discovering the theory of relativity! So imagine the infinite possibilities of what we, or our children could achieve if we were able to utilize our entire brain. We might be able to read, write, draw, and even ride a bicycle while blindfolded! Some might think this impossible, but the reality exists in the training program called Blindfold Reading.

The science behind this training is called Midbrain Activation, which allows students to activate the middle part of their brain, the ‘bridge’ between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Having this ‘bridge’ activated allows for the retrieval of information between the left and the right brain, leading to more efficiency in learning and absorbing higher volumes of information. It also stimulates and strengthens characteristics such as creativity, memory, application skills, self-confidence, and the ability to concentrate. These characteristics are especially important in activities where concentration and anticipation are key factors in attaining positive results and achieving superior performance.
Regardless of the child’s current academic level or achievement, the workshop will enhance and improve his or her abilities further.
By Indu Bandara

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